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about our cleanses
Welcome to the Core Juice Co. cleanse! Below is a suggested timeline on when to drink each juice. The main goal is to consume one every 2 hours with a light supper, preferably a homemade soup! Please try to drink one 8oz glass of water every hour that you are not drinking a juice. And remember, this is YOUR cleanse! It can be tailored to fit your needs - choose as many days as you would like! To get the most out of your cleanse, avoid any caffeine, meat, sugar, or dairy. CHEERS!
• Improves concentration & increases energy
• Promotes sustained weight loss due to a high amount of vitamins & nutrients absorbed by the body
• Eliminates unhealthy food cravings
• Resets the body's hunger signals
• Helps to balance hormones
• Puts less pressure on the digestive system allowing it to rest and reset
• Helps to balance the body's PH
• Purifies the skin resulting in a beautiful glow
• Allows the body to naturally detox
8am - green juice
10am - charcoal lemonade
12pm - yellow juice
2pm - red juice
4pm - orange juice
6pm - light supper & water
8pm - almond mylk
juice ingredients & benefits

celery, cucumber, zucchini, spinach, kale, lemon, lime, green apple - wake up with this alkalizing, energizing morning drink! Packed full of vitamins and electrolytes it will leave you feeling alert, clear headed and ready to tackle your day!

charcoal lemonade
lemon, distilled water, maple syrup, activated charcoal - helps remove toxins from the body, improves digestion, promotes clear skin, and cleanses the kidneys. Activated charcoal can remove harmful bacteria from the digestive system while leaving good bacteria in place. Combined with the obvious health benefits of lemon - it is the perfect detox!

pineapple, cucumber, lemon, apple, ginger - anti-inflammatory fat burner and oh so yummy while giving you that much needed afternoon pick me up! Packed full of cucumber for extra hydration & ginger to soothe that tired digestive system. Ginger serves as an anti-viral agent, perfect for the flu season!

apple, carrot, lime, beet - cleanse that liver & help activate enzymes for the body to detox! Beets purify the blood and increase blood flow. Combined with carrot & lime, this juice is a powerhouse for aging and creating a beautiful “glow”.

carrot, orange, lemon, apple - immune boosting antioxidant full of vitamin C., folate & potassium with a huge dose of beta-carotene to help protect those precious eyes!

almond mylk
almonds, cinnamon, distilled water, maple syrup - a perfect way to end your cleanse. Contains no cholesterol and also helps to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. Almonds contain a rich source of magnesium, a mineral that is essential for a good nights sleep.
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